Chariots & Horses Will Fall

(July 15, 2008)



        This one thing I have called you to:  to take up your cross daily and follow me!


        In the sanctuary of my presence, you will see.

        In the sanctuary of my presence, you will know.

        In the sanctuary of my presences, you will love.


        I will cause Chariots and horses to fall, but those who trust in me will stand strong and remain.  Though some may falter, those that call upon my name will be raised back up to lead many.


        Chariots and horses will fall, but my people will flourish and be blessed.

        Chariots and horses will fall, but those who have laid aside their double-minded ways will have singleness of heart and mind.  They will stand and flourish and provide healing and food


        All nations will see and be blessed and delivered through them by my powerful arm that is never too short


copyright 2008  Heart For The World, Inc.